Want to contribute to the ANZAAE Conference and share your expertise and skills with your fellow peers? Submit an Abstract to present at the 2025 Conference!
To complete a submission you will need -
Don't have all this information yet? Set up your 'account' within the Abstract Portal (using the Submit your abstract here button below) which provides an expression of interest in completing an abstract.
Shortly after you set up an account, you will receive an email with an auto-login link to access the Portal - keep this email on hand, as this link provides you access to the Portal at a later date, where you can access any draft submissions or view your submitted abstract/s.
The deadline to complete your abstract submission has been extended to support late admissions (Sunday 1 December 2024). After this, the organising committee will review all submissions and provide an update as to the status of your submission in December 2024.
If you are submitting an abstract, please hold back from completing a registration to attend the conference, as you will receive a unique link to register against your abstract (keeping all of your information together).
We look forward to seeing the fantastic array of abstracts!
Should you have any questions, please reach out to jaime@iconevents.co.nz who will be able to assist.