FAQ about the Conference

What does the acronym ANZAAE stand for?

Aotearoa Association of Art Educators - Te Rūnanga Hautū Mātauranga Toi O Aotearoa


How often does ANZAAE have Conferences?

Every 2-3 years. The last Conference was in 2023 in Wellington, previously it was in Christchurch in 2021.

How is it decided where a Conference will be held?

At the AGM which is held at Conference, groups from different regions can put forward a proposal to host the next Conference. If there is more than one bid, members of ANZAAE can vote to decide where the next Conference will be.

How does someone get to be a member of ANZAAE?

Membership is called for annually and is usually valid for the academic year, or when it is approaching, through until the next Conference. In a Conference year, delegates who are not members become members when they register for Conference.

How many presenters and delegates are likely to be at the Conference?

300 delegates and 50 Presenters, plus volunteer hosts, technicians and assistants from pre and post teaching service.

Who are the Conference organisers?

A team from the host city, including the venue (usually a tertiary institution) and regional subject association, assisted by members of the ANZAAE Executive Committee.

I can’t come for the whole Conference - is there a day rate?

YES there is always a day rate for the Conference.

If I am a Presenter, do I have to register as a delegate to attend other workshops and talks?

YES - unless you are only coming to present your keynote, workshop or talk. You need to register and pay for Conference to attend any other sessions. Even the organisers have registered and paid to be there.

Who can I contact about payments and invoices?

Details will be available on this site when Conference registrations are open.

Is there going to be an award for contributions to Art Education at the Conference?

YES there is always a Conference Dinner, which is a great social evening. This is included in the cost for the three-day rate.

What is the kaupapa of the 2025 Conference

He piko, he toi ataata
He piko, he toi ataata
He piko, he toi ataata

Read more about the whakatauki here>

Is there a Conference Dinner ?

YES - a prestigious award will be presented at the Conference Dinner and is for: Long Service and Valued Contribution to Visual Art (which may include publication of research).

Does ANZAAE have social media I can join? 

YES - we have Facebook & Instagram 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AotearoaArtEducators/

Instagram: @anzaae.inc