Conference Theme

He piko, he toi ataata
He piko, he toi ataata
He piko, he toi ataata

Our whakatauki, He piko, he toi ataata is loosely translated to unleash creativity at every turn and is inspired by the well-known Waikato-Tainui whakatauki He piko, he taniwha (at every turn there is a taniwha/leader) which traces the journey of the Waikato river across the motu. As kaiako we build this understanding within our ākonga, leading them to understand art making as an integrated part of their lives. This idea is represented in Kirikiriroa as our streets and community spaces are filled with the rich visual delights of art everywhere. From the likes of the ‘BOON’ Street Art festival, Mesh Sculpture Trust artworks, as well as the whakairo and toi of Te Kōpū Mānia o Kirikiriroa Marae.

Alongside keynote presenters, who will challenge and encourage teachers and practitioners, will be presenters who are leading the way sharing inspiring classroom activities and innovative approaches to take away and share with your colleagues.

The world of art is constantly evolving. This constant change demands resilience and continual up-skilling. This Conference provides an opportunity to create, with practical workshops throughout the three-day programme.

There will be focus groups targeted to areas of interest and need, allowing those who are leading to connect with those who wish to build a support network.

Vendors and institutions will be onsite, showcasing products and providing resources to support and inspire.

ANZAAE Conference is three days of immersive, collegial sharing of ideas and building of skills for Visual Arts practitioners and educators in early childhood, primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors.  Conference delegates will have plenty to do, see and talk about when they leave, with new skills, strategies, ideas and a stronger sense of identity, community, and connection.  

He piko, he toi ataata
He piko, he toi ataata
He piko, he toi ataata

We hope to see you there!